Concrete Polishing
Concrete polishing hardens and strengthens the surface, helps with resistance to contaminants and discoloration, and in general improves the quality of the concrete floor. As a bonus, polished concrete floors can be quite beautiful, as evidenced by “industrial chic” design style now very popular.
When Summit Industrial properly prepares and polishes an existing concrete floor, clients are amazed at the improved light reflection and attractiveness.
Polished concrete also resists all kinds of stress and abuse. You’d have to reapply a clear coat every six to twelve months and eventually replace even epoxy floors, but concrete polishing gives a long-lasting, durable surface.
Summit Industrial’s design consultants can beautify your floors with company logos, custom colors, and artwork without losing any of the inherent benefits of polished concrete.
However, not all polished concrete is created equal. You must hire a contractor who you can trust with the initial substrate and concrete repair—one who won’t skip steps to save a few bucks.
If your contractor jumps into polishing without proper surface preparation, then you haven’t gotten your money’s worth. Do it right the first time.
You gain immediate savings by cutting down on maintenance and labor costs and long-term savings by extending the life of your floors. You also enhance your floor’s resistance to water, oils, acids and other potentially damaging substances.
Makes floors harder and stronger compared to other floor finishes
Provides greater abrasion resistance than unfinished concrete
Fights the absorption of oil and contaminants
Resists tire marks from fork trucks and other traffic
Extends the lifespan of your floor by 10 or more years
Negates dusting, peeling, or flaking
Minimizes hydrostatic and vapor pressure issues
Requires no cure schedule
Offers a flatter, more level surface
Meets or exceeds OSHA static coefficient friction of 0.5
You don’t have to replace them as often as other types of flooring.
You save the money you would have spent on expensive floor coverings.
You don’t have to wait for chemical finishes to cure.
You don’t have to spend money on continual maintenance.
You lower maintenance costs associated with cleaning equipment and products.